Message from the Principal - 1/9/24
What a great time of the year!! Welcome back to this amazing New Year!!
On Monday, I was able to pop into Ms. Velloth’s Earth Science classes to witness the “egg drop” experiment firsthand. Students had the first 40 minutes of class to plan, build and test a device to protect their egg using only 1 newspaper, 4 straws and 50cm of tape. Students worked together to design, and problem solve with their group.
Ms. Potter also had an exciting day on Monday in her Biology classes dissecting frogs! Students did a great job of following instructions and working together.
On Tuesday, I was able to join Ms. Fielden’s leadership class for a leadership lesson focused on Ted Lasso. Specifically, students were asked to find examples of leadership in what they consume from a pop culture standpoint and apply that to their own lives and also here at PCMS.
I ended the day, popping into Mr. Riddick’s and Mr. Richey’s PE classes to watch a spirited game of GOALA. I’m not sure I fully understand the rules, but our students were moving around, participating and getting lots of energy out!
As we look towards a wonderful new year, I’d like to reflect on the incredible work our staff has done since August to focus on literacy and specifically, informational text. I’ve been so impressed by all of the creative ways I’ve seen our staff help make literacy fun and engaging for our students. From themed celebrations to tutoring with peers on Wednesday mornings, our dedicated educators are working hard to help our learners stay on the track toward strong literacy skills! And thank you to our families! Strong family engagement is critical to cultivating a love for reading that extends beyond the classroom. I’m looking forward to continuing these important literacy highlights in the coming months! Go Team PCMS!!
There is so much that awaits us in the coming year. I continue to be thrilled to be on the journey with you. Here’s to new beginnings …
Take good care,
- Principal Message