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Parent/guardian/caretaker Responsibilities

In order to maintain accurate attendance records, it is critical that parent/guardian/caretakers either email PCMS Attendance, call the attendance office (425-837-5906) or write a note within 24 hours of a student’s return. In those communications, parent/guardian/caretakers must do the following: Include parent/guardian/caretaker name, student name (spell it if leaving a voice message), telephone number, the reason for absence, the date(s), and the length of the absence.

Excused Absences

Absences that are excused include:  illness/health, religious observances, school-approved activities, family emergencies, disciplinary actions as required by law, and family trips with prior principal permission.  In case of absences, please notify the school before 7:30 a.m. and provide your child’s name and reason for the absence.

It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with each teacher upon returning to school after an illness.  The student is responsible for completing missed work.

Unexcused Absences (truancy) 

All absences that are not authorized by the principal, not excused from among the above reasons, or are the results of leaving school without checking out are unexcused absences. Failing to provide a note/phone call from parent/guardian/caretaker to verify an absence on the day of the student’s return to school is also truancy.  Students may not receive credit for a graded activity or assignment assigned or due during the time of absence nor must they be allowed to make up missed work.

Partial Day Absences

Students requesting a partial day absence must check out through the Main Office before departure. Send your student in with a note stating the time/reason for leaving early. They will sign out first thing in the morning and receive a pass to leave class at the designated time. Contact with the parent/guardian/caretaker will be necessary if a note from the parent/guardian/caretaker is not available.  Leaving school without signing out will result in disciplinary action for truancy even if the parent/guardian/caretaker calls the school or provides a note to excuse the absence at a later time.

  • Students who become ill at school must check out with the attendance office even if the health attendant speaks with a parent/guardian/caretaker.  Failure to do so could result in an unexcused absence and disciplinary action.
  • Procedures outlined in the BECCA Bill will be followed as unexcused absences occur. RCW28A.225.010.
  • Requests for homework to be gathered from teachers will be sent to the Main Office to be available by 3 p.m. when a student is expected to be absent for more than three days because of illness or disciplinary action.  Homework will not be gathered for students missing school because of truancy.

Reporting an Absence

  1. Emphasize to students that school attendance is a priority.
  2. Call 425-837-5906 or email PCMS Attendance before school each day that your student is absent or send a note to the office, with excuse and parent/guardian/caretaker signature, when your student returns.

District Policy on Absences

State law requires our school to closely monitor student absences and their potential impact to the academic progress of students. At times the school may call to ensure strong school support for students and their families.

To help us please consider the following: