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Student Handbook

Our Mission: Pacific Cascade Middle School prides itself on being an inclusive community which builds character, inspires excellence, and ignites futures.


On behalf of the Pacific Cascade Middle School staff, we would like to welcome you to the 2024-25 school year! Our goal is to provide a safe and caring environment, where ALL students experience a positive learning environment. We strongly encourage you to pursue excellence in your academic studies, become actively engaged in the co-curricular programs that our school has to offer, and treat everyone at Pacific Cascade Middle School with respect and kindness. This handbook includes our policies, procedures, and important information. Please refer to the handbook when questions arise. You may also refer to the school website for updated contact information for staff, teacher websites, event dates, and more.

Handbook Sections

General Information

Review general handbook information for the school year, including items such as attendance and dress code.

students using laptops and reading


Expectations for academic comprehension during the school year.

Students running into the gym cheering

Student Conduct

Behavioral expectations for all students during the school year.

Health & Student Information

Information regarding the counseling center, nurse's office, health procedures and release of student information.

Students stand around table working on project

Extracurricular Activities, Sports and Clubs

Conduct expectations for extracurricular activities, sports and clubs for the school year.

Band students play their instruments

PCMS Supplemental Guidelines

Additional guidelines set forth on the Pacific Cascade Middle School campus to supplement district regulations.

Important Phone Numbers

PCMS Main Number   425-837-5900
PCMS Fax Number   425-837-5910
Principal Jeff McGowan 425-837-5901
Assistant Principal Casey Stookey 425-837-5902
Assistant to Principal Marie Werbel 425-837-5903
Bookkeeper Jennifer Christiansen 425-837-5905
Attendance Kaitlyn Propst 425-837-5906
Counselor (last names A-K) Laura Meserole 425-837-5914
Counselor (last names L-Z) Miranda Williams 425-837-5915
Psychologist Joy Wang 425-837-5916
Registrar/Counseling Secretary Rhonda Kurtenbach P: 425-837-5911
F: 425-837-5913
Nurse Teri Ostendorf 425-837-5908
Health Room Specialist Chanda Khosla-Gogna 425-837-5974
Activities Information Main Office – 425-837-5900
ASB Card Purchase, Fees, Fines, Yearbooks,
Supplies, Refunds
Bookkeeper’s Office - 425-837-5905
Athletic Eligibility Forms Bookkeeper’s Office – 425-837-5905
Attendance Concerns/Verification Attendance Secretary – 425-837-5906
Bus Routes/Bus Schedules Transportation Office – 425-837-6329
Counseling – Appointments, Academic Progress,
Summer School , Personal Crisis
Counseling Secretary – 425-837-5911
Discipline Main Office – 425-837-5900
Emergency Student Contact Attendance Secretary – 425-837-5906
First Aid and Health Room Nurse – 425-837-5908
Health Room – 425-837-5974
Lockers Main Office – 425-837-5900
Lost and Found Main Office – 425-837-5900
PCMS Calendar, Events Scheduling Principal’s Secretary – 425-837-5903
Records, Transcripts, Report Cards,
Private School Applications
Registrar – 425-837-5911
Student Schedules Registrar – 425-837-5911
Visitor Approval/Check-In Main Office – 425-837-5900
Withdrawals Registrar – 425-837-5911