PCMS Supplemental Guidelines
Filter Handbook Sections
- All
- ASB Cards
- Academic Integrity/Honesty Policy
- Activities
- Athletics
- Bikes, Skateboards, Scooters and Rollerblades
- Bringing Items to School
- Bus Transportation and Passes
- Check Acceptance Rules
- Computer Use
- Conferences and Teacher-Parent Communication
- Counseling Center
- Disciplinary Procedures
- Dress Code
- Drop Off/Pick Up Policy
- Emergency Preparedness
- Family Access
- Fine and Visual Arts
- General Information and Rules
- Grade Reports
- Grading Scale
- Health Room / Emergency Procedures
- High School Credit
- Homework Policy
- Identification Cards
- Junior Honor Society
- Lockers
- Lost and Misplaced Items
- Lunch
- Online Payments
- PTSA (Parent-Teacher-Student Association)
- Parent Volunteers
- Personal Communication Devices
- Private School Applications and Records Requests
- Textbooks
- Visitors
- Withdrawal Process
Academic Integrity/Honesty Policy
Academic integrity speaks to a student’s commitment and responsibility to pursue scholarship openly and honestly. It respects the concept that learning is the primary purpose of education, secondary to grades and credits. Academic dishonesty is defined as any action that may result in creating an unfair academic advantage for oneself or an unfair academic advantage or disadvantage for any other student.
A student shall not attempt to earn credit or receive a grade for coursework (tests, quizzes, assignments, projects, essays) in a manner other than defined as acceptable by each instructor. Academic integrity violations are documented throughout a student’s secondary school career (grades 6 – 12). Academic integrity violations include, but are not limited to:
- Plagiarizing or submitting any part of another person’s work as representing one’s own scholarship.
- Distribution/sharing of class assignments or test information in either written or verbal form to another student without teacher permission.
- Unauthorized Collaboration – working with others without the specific permission of the instructor on assignments that will be submitted for an individual’s grade. This applies to in-class or take-home assignments/homework, projects, tests, or labs.
- Collusion – supporting the lack of integrity/honesty by another student, as in allowing one’s work to be copied or submitted for assessment by another. Collusion also includes the use or sharing of identical or highly similar passages of one’s own work, or the work of another, unless specifically authorized by the teacher.
- Technology Malpractice – any misuse or abuse of private or public technology in relation to grades or in acquiring an academic advantage, including infractions of the school technology user agreement, language translation websites, cell phone messaging or picture transmission.
All students involved in or aware of any of the above transgressions will be disciplined or may receive zero/partial credit.
There are many activities/clubs at PCMS in which students can participate. Activities/clubs are created to reflect student interest.
Students must report directly to a supervised club after school. Students are not allowed to leave campus until the club is over at 4:10/5:10 p.m.
ASB Cards
The ASB Activity Card fee supports activity days, assemblies, guest speakers, dances, after-school clubs, co-curricular programs, transportation for music festivals and athletics, student recognition, sports equipment, officials, supervision and many other activities.
The price of the ASB card is $35.00.
IMPORTANT: All students participating in any activity sanctioned by the Associated Student Body MUST PURCHASE AN ASB CARD to be eligible to participate in those activities. This includes all student clubs, music groups and sports.
Eligibility: In order for students to participate in any athletic program, they must:
- Maintain passing grades and earn credit in all classes (enroll in at least 4 classes)
- Maintain a 2.0 trimester and cumulative GPA and have NO failing grades
- Clear all fines
- Purchase an ASB Activity Card for $35.00
- Pay the district participation fee of $50.00 per sport season (with a maximum of $150.00 per student across the year) or $20.00 per intramural sport.
- Have a current physical examination completed prior to participation in a sport which must be dated after January 1st of each school year. Physicals are valid for 24 months from the date of the exam and must also indicate a doctor’s approval for “full participation.” A new physical exam will be required each year of participation.
- Have completed all athletic registration forms including a physical examination form, medical emergency form, and Coach Confidential Emergency Information Form via the Final Forms website by the deadline. All forms can be found on our website.
- Sign an agreement to abide by the Issaquah School District Student Athletic Handbook
There will be no refunds given after the first competition.
Note: In order to participate in any after school activity, theatre, sports, concerts, etc., a student must attend class for at least one-half of the school day. (Exceptions: Medical/dental appointments, certain emergency absences when approved by either the Principal or Assistant Principal.) All fines must be paid.
The following sports are offered at the middle school level:
- Cross Country (Co-Ed)
- Soccer (Boys)
- Volleyball (Girls)
Winter I
- Basketball (Girls)
- Wrestling (Co-Ed)
Winter II
- Basketball (Boys)
- Soccer (Girls)
Track (Co-Ed)
- ALL students are encouraged to become actively involved in one or more of the sports that are offered. All students who turn out for a sport are given the opportunity to play at some level.
- Practices are held immediately after school Monday through Thursday – no Friday practices. Students must be picked up on time.
- An activity bus (with limited stops) is provided Monday through Thursday for students wishing to participate in supervised after-school activities. Students must have an Activity Bus Ticket. Tickets are available from supervising teachers and coaches. Activity buses leave PCMS at 4:20 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday and 5:20 p.m. on Wednesday.
Academic Probation
- In order to maintain athletic eligibility during the current trimester, a student shall maintain passing grades in all Grades will be checked 10 days into the beginning of the sport season.
- If a student-athlete receives any failing grades, regardless of the grade point average, that student-athlete is placed on academic probation for 10 calendar days. The student-athlete is allowed to continue to attend and participate in practices only. They may not participate in athletic contests during this time. Grades will be checked at the end of the 10-day probation period.
- Academic checks and discipline reviews will be conducted by the Athletic Director, and the student-athlete eligibility will be determined by these checks. If a student continues to fail and/or receive discipline referrals, they will not be allowed to participate in athletic competition for the remainder of the season.
For questions regarding PCMS Athletics, you may contact the following:
PCMS Bookkeeper: Jen Christiansen @ 425-837-5905
PCMS Athletic Director: Casey Stookey @ 425-837-5902
Bikes, Skateboards, Scooters and Rollerblades
- All bikes/E-Bikes are to be locked and parked in the bike racks behind the school. All bike riders must wear helmets.
- Students must wear helmets when riding. PCMS is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- Bikes/E-Bikes, skateboards and scooters/electric scooters must be walked off campus.
Bringing Items to School
Apart from obvious medical needs (which should be coordinated with the health room specialist) we encourage parents not to bring every forgotten item to school through the day. Any student can get a meal from the cafeteria, if they forget their lunch, even if they do not carry a balance on their meal account. Likewise, students are encouraged to advocate for themselves in classes, if they forget work. This is getting less and less likely with the provision of a school laptop to every student. Building resilience is an important part of the middle school years, but on the rare occasion parents do need to drop items at school, please follow our procedure:
- Place the item you are bringing in, on the drop-off table inside the vestibule. Use a sticky note to provide student(s) name and place on item being dropped off.
As a reminder:
- Cell phones are ‘off and away’ during the school day and texting your student about an item is unlikely to be an efficient way of communicating with them – and could lead to them facing in-house discipline. Please use Canvas if you would like to send them a message.
- For safety and security, our drop-off table is for parent and student use only. No outside delivery service items may be left in this area and, if found, will be stored for immediate collection by parents, or by students at the end of the school day. For example, DoorDash, Uber Eats, and other delivery services.
Bus Transportation
- Buses are safe, convenient student transportation, and due to limited parking lot space for drop-off and pick-up, all students are encouraged to ride the bus.
- Failure to follow the rules of district buses can result in suspension from the bus.
- Activity buses (with limited stops) are provided Monday through Thursday for students wishing to participate in supervised after-school activities. Students must have an Activity Bus Pass. Passes are available from supervising teachers and coaches.
Bus Passes
Students are allowed to ride a bus other than the one assigned under the following conditions:
- Students must have a written request from parents and get a bus pass from the front office. Either a signed note, or an email to PCMSattendance@issaquah.wednet.edu.
- Phone calls are NOT accepted.
- Bus passes may be obtained before school or during lunch, notes/emails received after lunch are not accepted.
- Bus passes are available throughout the school year except for the first month and the last two weeks of school.
- Please go to the school website to view closed busses.
NOTE: If the bus is already full with regularly assigned passengers, it is not possible to ride the bus.
Check Acceptance Rules
Our School District has established the following rules for accepting checks and collecting on bad checks. For a check to be an acceptable form of payment, it must include your full and accurate name, current address, and telephone number. In the event your check is returned for non-payment, the face value may be recovered electronically along with a state allowed recovery fee. At this time, the recovery fee to the company is $30.
In the event your check is returned for non-payment, the District has the right to no longer accept this form of payment for the remainder of the school year. Alternative forms of payment may be used instead of a check payment, such as cash, a cashier’s check, money order, or credit card.
The District receives only the face value or a partial value of the check recovered and does not receive any additional recovery income from a non-payment item.
Computer Use
The Issaquah School District provides computer technology for the enhancement of learning. PCMS encourages and promotes the use of technology as a tool in academic study, collaboration, and innovation. All students will have a network account that provides access to the Internet and mainstream software applications through their classrooms, library, or computer labs. All use of the school network and computers must be for educational purposes.
Students are required to have on file a signed 6-12 Student Responsible Use Agreement, otherwise known as a Responsible Use Agreement (RUA). This document, signed by both the parents and the student, spells out specific rules and responsibilities for computer and network access at PCMS. We require that students adhere to school, District, and State regulations. Violations will result in progressive discipline up to and including expulsion. A search of student’s files may be conducted if there is suspicion that the student has violated the RUA.
These rules include, but are not limited to, the following:
Students will NOT:
- Attempt to gain unauthorized access to the network
- Deliberately disrupt the network
- Destroy data that is not your own
- Destroy, modify, or abuse the hardware or software
- Write shell scripts outside of class time
- Make changes to the desktop or system
- Use obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, or rude language
- Use inflammatory, threatening, or disrespectful language
- Use any form of instant messaging or take part in chat rooms
- Play any games except as part of a directed classroom activity
- Give out personal information about yourself or others
- Access staff computers and devices without permission
The student is responsible for his/her individual account and should take reasonable precautions to prevent others from using his/her account. Under no conditions should students give out their private password to other students.
Students will comply with Fair Use and copyright laws, citing all text, graphics, or other material copied from other files or from the Internet.
Students will not use the network to access material that is profane or obscene or that advocates illegal acts or violence or discrimination towards others. An exception may be made if the purpose is to conduct research assigned by a teacher.
Notify your teacher immediately if:
- You accidentally access an inappropriate site
- The computer has been altered or is not working properly
- You see someone violating these rules
Conferences and Teacher-Parent Communication
Parent/teacher conferences are scheduled by parents, teachers, counselors or administrators, as needed. These are known as “Guidance Team” meetings. Teachers can also be contacted via voice-mail and email.
Counseling Center
The counseling staff is organized with two full-time school counselors, a full-time mental health counselor, a school psychologist and a registrar. Students are assigned to a specific counselor for academic, emotional, and social needs, while the mental health counselor is available for students needing in-depth social/emotional support. Students can make appointments with their counselor by visiting the Counseling Center, located in the main office. Parents can also make appointments with their students’ counselor by calling the Registrar at 425-837-5911, between 7:50 a.m. and 3:45 p.m. daily.
Counseling Center Services Include:
- Work individually with students to listen and talk through their concerns, problem solve, and resolve issues with teachers, peers and family members
- Provide classroom presentations on relevant topics such as Depression and Suicide Prevention, Harassment and Bullying, and Career Exploration
- Teach “Life Skills” curriculum once a week in all 6th grade Health classes
- Connect families with resources in the district and community
- Help students map an academic plan that guides them through any of our district comprehensive high schools
- Assist 6th grade students in making a successful transition to middle school, and 8th grade students in making a successful transition to high school
- Support students and their families during times of crisis
- 504 coordination
- Work with classroom teacher to develop teaching strategies for at-risk students
Teacher rating form requests for medical evaluations
Students needing teacher rating forms as part of a medical evaluation should submit the forms and doctor information to their counselor. The counselor will distribute and collect the forms from the teachers and then fax or mail the forms directly to the doctor.
Disciplinary Procedures
Love and Logic is a philosophy of raising and teaching children which allows adults to be skilled in the interactions with children. Love allows children to grow through their mistakes. Logic allows children to live with the consequences of their choices. Love and Logic is a way of working with children that puts parents and teachers back in control, teaches children to be responsible, and prepares young people to live in the real world, with its choices and consequences.
Students, parents, and school personnel are jointly responsible for expecting and demonstrating behavior that ensures a safe, orderly and healthy environment for all persons at all times. Students may not behave in a manner that is disruptive to the educational process or that is unsafe for other students, staff, and/or self.
At Pacific Cascade a progressive discipline approach is used. The goal is to assist the student in:
- identifying the problem
- understanding what new behavior is necessary
- encourage the student to accept accountability for their actions
- provide the student with an opportunity to demonstrate improvement and personal growth
There are two forms used in documenting student behaviors.
- Office Data Referral Form – used to document up to three general rule violations. Students may be referred to the office after the violation.
- Immediate Discipline Form – used in situations where immediate action is needed: fights, insubordination, defiance.
Every case is considered on its individual merit. Repeated violations may result in severe disciplinary action or suspension.
Dress Code
We will be following the Issaquah School District’s Student Dress Regulation 3224:
The student and parent/guardian may determine the student’s personal dress and grooming standards, provided that the student’s dress and grooming do not lead school officials to reasonably believe that such dress or grooming will:
- Disrupt, interfere with, disturb, or detract from school activities.
- Create a health or other hazard to the student’s safety or to the safety of others.
- Promote by printed word or symbol the use of illegal substances or other prohibited activities which may include but not be limited to intimidation, harassment, sexual innuendo, vulgarity, and obscenities.
If a student’s dress or grooming is objectionable under these provisions, the principal or designee will ask the student to make appropriate corrections. If the student refuses, the student is subject to disciplinary action.
Drop Off/Pick Up Policy
- Students are not allowed on campus prior to 7:20 a.m. or 9:50 a.m. (Wednesdays). Students are not allowed on campus after 2:35 p.m. or 3:45 p.m. (Wednesdays) unless involved in a supervised activity.
- Students may wait for parents in front of the school.
- Parent drivers should drop their students off in the front of the school. Please form one lane and wait in line. DO NOT cut in front of other drivers as this causes a serious safety hazard for students.
- Do not block traffic flow in the parking lot.
Students Who Are Walking
- Use the crosswalks and sidewalks.
- When walking home through neighborhoods, do not cut through yards, driveways, etc.
Emergency Preparedness
Safety is the number one priority for Issaquah District schools. As a result, every school has a clear crisis management plan. The plan is in place to first and foremost prevent a crisis, but also to prepare, respond and recover from one should it occur. In our quest to be prepared, each building is required by law to practice Lock Down drills, Fire drills, Shelter in Place drills and one drill chosen by the building each year. This practice will help in the event of a real crisis.
School information and Student Release
(Where to find your child in the event of a school crisis)
In the event of a crisis that occurs on a school campus, the district website will be the main information source for parents regarding school updates. You may want to keep the district site book-marked for future reference. The district will also be in close contact with law enforcement and the media to help deliver important school information should a school crisis take place. Pacific Cascade’s Parent/Student Reunion Station will be located in the back parking lot. Parents should park off campus across the street. Parents must bring picture ID. Since we will be releasing over 700+ students, the process will be lengthy. We appreciate your patience as we reunite students and parents in the safest and most secure way possible.
Family Access
The online grading program gives parents and students on-line access to student information, including grades, attendance, class schedules, and immunization records. Students and parents are encouraged to check grades regularly. This is an important form of communication between parents and teachers. For questions about Family Access passwords or logins, contact the registrar.
Fine and Visual Arts
The PCMS Fine Arts Program offers students an opportunity to participate in programs and productions throughout the year. The Music Program includes Concert Band, Jazz Band, Orchestra and Choir. In addition, students may have the opportunity to participate in after school drama productions, talent show and drawing and art classes.
General Information
- The official school day is 8:10 AM to 2:35 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, and 10:20 AM to 3:30 PM on Wednesday. Please do not drop off your student before 7:50 AM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday and 10:00 AM on Wednesday. The first bell rings at 8:05 AM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and 10:15 AM on Wednesday.
- The bookkeeper’s office is open before school, at lunch and after school to receive money for classes, field trips, etc. All money should go to the bookkeeper and not teachers or coaches. Payments may also be made on the website.
- Deliveries/Messages – Following the Love and Logic philosophy, items brought to school for students are placed on the front desk in the office and it is the student’s responsibility to check this table and pick up items. We cannot guarantee delivery of messages of a non-emergency nature. Please make arrangements for after school plans before your student leaves for school.
- There is a student telephone in the main office for use at lunch and before/after school.
- All students must be in a supervised activity to remain on campus after the buses leave. Activity buses leave at 4:20 on M, T, TH and 5:20 on W. Student must have a bus pass. Only students in school related after school activities may ride the activity bus.
- Students must walk in the building at all times. Running to lunch, between classes, and in the halls is unacceptable.
- Please use the crosswalk and follow the directions of the crossing guards for your safety at the school entrance.
- Lunch money goes directly to the cafeteria and must be dropped off before 10:00 AM. Checks should have student name and lunch number on them or you may access MySchoolBucks.com to deposit money into your child’s account.
- All Issaquah School District schools are closed campuses. Student visitors are not permitted during the school day.
General Rules
- Verbal, physical, or cyber harassment, bullying, intimidation or abuse will not be tolerated. Such behavior may result in suspension. All students should report incidences of this behavior to a staff member immediately.
- Cheating, copying another’s work and /or plagiarism are serious offenses and will be individually dealt with.
- Electronic equipment are distracting to student learning and will be taken at staff discretion. Electronics, including: cell phones, readers, laptops, ear buds must be OFF and put away while at school. Cell phones are not used as instructional technology in our classrooms. PCMS is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen cell phones.
- Using any inappropriate language including profanity and/or obscene gestures are prohibited. Students may receive in or out-of-school suspension.
- Items that interfere with student learning may not be brought to school. Such items include, but are not limited to water toys, rubber bands, animals, trading cards, shocking devices, laser pointers, and any other items that are considered toys. Bringing sports equipment from home is not appropriate, but if you need to bring equipment, please clear it through the office.
- Public displays of affection: Students are expected to act within the boundaries of good taste while on campus or on the school bus. Prolonged embracing, kissing and/other forms of personal displays of affection (PDA’S) are not acceptable.
- Fighting warrants serious consequences. All participants will receive an administrative referral and suspension.
- Vandalism and destruction of any school property is not tolerated. Payment or restitution and disciplinary consequences will be issued.
- Students cannot possess or give another student a weapon or a facsimile of a weapon, such as a firearm, knife, fireworks, handcuffs, pepper spray, mace spray, or other dangerous objects at school or at a school activity on or off school grounds.
- No form of tobacco is allowed anywhere on campus. Students selling, in possession of, or under the influence of any illegal substance will be subject to immediate suspension and referral to the King County Police. Pacific Cascade Middle School is a drug-free zone.
Grade Reports
All students can view their mid-trimester reports in October, January, and May. They also receive 3 official trimester end grades each year. All grades and report cards can be viewed in the Portfolio tab in Family Access Gradebook.
Grading Scale
PCMS uses the following letter grades and numerical equivalents:
A |
4.0 |
93.0%–100% |
C |
2.0 |
73.0%–76.9% |
A- |
3.7 |
90.0%–92.9% |
C- |
1.7 |
70.0%–72.9% |
B+ |
3.3 |
87.0%–89.9% |
D+ |
1.3 |
67.0%–69.9% |
B |
3.0 |
83.0%–86.9% |
D |
1.0 |
60.0%–66.9% |
B- |
2.7 |
80.0%–82.9% |
F |
0.0 |
0.0%–59.9% |
C+ |
2.3 |
77.0%–79.9% |
Health Room / Emergency Procedures
Emergency Plans
Put family/home personal plans in place now, especially for earthquake or early student release due to snow or power outage. School closure information may be obtained through AM/FM radio stations, TV stations, or accessing the District website; or FlashAlert. Only designated emergency contacts listed in Skyward will be permitted to check out a student in an emergency. Photo ID is required.
Illness or Injury
A student who becomes ill or who is injured at school should report to his/her classroom teacher then to the Health Room, if appropriate. If the illness/injury is serious enough, parents will be notified to take the student home. If a parent or guardian cannot be reached, the student will return to class, if they are able. Only parent or emergency contact people may pick up an ill or injured student. Students need to be fever and symptom free, without medication, for 24 hours before returning to school.
Every accident on the school grounds, in the building, at practice sessions or at any athletic event sponsored by the school, must be reported immediately to the person in charge. During school, report at once to a teacher, health room, or to the main office.
Immunizations - Requirements
All Issaquah School District students must comply with Washington State immunization standards. Before the first day of attendance, each student is required by state law to be in compliance with state immunization requirements. Students who are out of compliance will not be able to attend school until they have fulfilled the requirements.
Religious, philosophical, or medical exemptions are allowed in most cases. A doctor appointment is required for counseling when using any exemption, with the exception of religious membership. However, in the event of an outbreak of a “vaccine-preventable disease” for which the student is exempt, the student may be excluded from school by order of the local health department for the duration of the disease outbreak. If you have any questions regarding vaccination requirements, please contact the school nurse directly.
Injured/Sick Students in PE
Students without any kind of note (parent or doctor) have to stay in PE class. The student should inform their teacher, and the teacher may allow them to sit out of the activity, or send the student to the health room or office.
Students with a PARENT note must provide the note to their PE teacher at the beginning of class. Students with a PARENT note can be excused from class for up to 2 days. After 2 days, a doctor’s note is required to be excused from PE. The doctor’s note should be provided to the PE teacher and the Health Room.
When it is necessary for a student to receive medication at school, the procedure below must be followed:
- A parent MUST bring all medications in to the health room.
- An “Authorization for Administration of Medication at School” form, for each medication, must be signed by a parent or legal guardian and licensed healthcare provider for any medication a student needs to take at school.
- Over the counter medications must be kept in the health room and administered by health room staff.
- For prescription/over the counter medication, BOTH the parent/legal guardian AND a licensed healthcare provider, must complete the form with specific instructions for administration.
- With the exception of inhalers, Epi-pens and Insulin, students are not allowed to carry their medication.
- All medication must be in the original container labeled with the student’s name, name of medication, dosage, mode of administration, current expiration date, and name of physician.
Students needing Epi-pens for severe allergic reactions need to have all forms and Epi-pens at school before the first day of school for safety reasons. Likewise, students who use inhalers will need to have them available at school with proper authorization the first day of school. Students who self-carry Epi-pens must provide an additional one to be stored in the health room.
Children with life-threatening conditions such as severe bee sting or food allergies, severe asthma, diabetes, or severe seizures, are now required to have a medication or treatment order and nursing plan in place before they start school. They will be excluded from school if the information is not filed by the first day of school. If your child has an existing medical issue requiring a health plan and medication, forms were mailed to you at the end of the previous school year to be completed by you and the doctor over the summer. The medication or treatment order must be from the child’s licensed health care provider. This is defined in (RCW 18.79.260(2)) as a licensed physician and surgeon, dentist, osteopathic physician and surgeon, naturopathic physician, podiatric physician and surgeon, physician assistant, osteopathic physician assistant or advanced registered nurse practitioner acting within the scope of his or her license.
You can contact our school nurse, Terry Ostendorf, at 425-837-5908, or ostendorft@issaquah.wednet.edu
High School Credit
All middle school 7th and 8th grade students who complete high school credit courses are eligible to have those grades and credits placed on their high school transcript. A request can be made to add the credit and grade at any time up to the point of the student’s junior year credit review with their counselor. Please note that once the grades are added to the high school transcript, the grade and credit cannot be removed and will permanently be included in the computation of the student’s grade point average. [RCW 28A.230.090(4); WAC 392-415-070]
Homework Policy
- Students at PCMS have homework in all core classes. This varies from week to week. The amount is approximately 1-2 hours per evening.
- Student Planners should be utilized as a part of homework “tracking” for all students, parents, and teachers.
- Parents are expected to assist students and teachers in supporting time management skill development.
- Generally, daily homework calendar is posted on teacher websites.
Identification Cards
All students are provided with a PCMS student identification card, featuring their name, grade and a photo. Students are expected to carry their card at all times during the school day and at school sponsored activities.
Academic Lockers
Lockers are issued to every student at PCMS. Lockers are school property and must be cared for responsibly. Students must only use their assigned locker. Use good judgment in the following ways:
- Avoid overstuffing lockers.
- Lockers should only open with a combination, do not pre-set your locker to open automatically.
- In order to protect your belongings, locker combinations are private and should not be shared with others.
- It is recommended that valuables be left at home. PCMS will not be held responsible for lost or stolen property.
- School supplies should be stored in lockers.
- Lockers are a privilege. We expect proper use at all times.
- Lockers are expected to be kept clean. Lunch items should be cleaned out daily.
- The outside of your locker should be clean – free of writing or decorations of any kind.
Locker problems should be reported to the office for custodial help. The student must first check in with their classroom teacher for attendance purposes and obtain permission to go to the office. A student must obtain permission from the office to change a locker with another student.
PE Lockers and Attire
We will follow district guidance as far as use of locker rooms. If we are able to change in the locker room, PE attire will include a gray PCMS T-shirt, athletic shorts, appropriate athletic socks and shoes. Please have appropriate clothing available for cold weather days.
- Each Friday students will need to take home PE clothes and wash them.
- Athletic shoes are necessary for proper support and to protect the gym floor. No slip-ons or trail shoes.
- PE lockers and locks are available and issued to each student. Personal locks are not allowed to be used on PE lockers. Please observe the same guidelines with PE lockers as have been given for hallway lockers.
- If locks are misplaced, lost, or stolen, students are responsible for paying for the lock before an additional lock is issued.
- Students are expected to store all personal items in lockers that are locked and secure.
- PCMS is not responsible for personal items.
ISD Middle School Agreement for Use of Student Lockers and Storage Areas
- Student lockers and storage areas are the property of the school district and remain under the control of the school district at all times. The school district retains the right to inspect the student lockers for reasonable cause without notice, without student consent and without a search warrant.
- The student will use only the locker(s) assigned to them and not share their lock combination with any other student. The school and district are not responsible for items lost or stolen out of lockers.
- The student understands that they are expected to assume full responsibility for their locker: its security (making sure the lock is locked and the dial is spun several times), keeping it clean, and free from all writing, stickers, tape and inappropriate items. The student also understands that fines will be assessed for any damage to the latches, paint, shelving or doors of the locker or to the lock itself.
- Any student abusing locker privileges could face disciplinary action.
Lost and Misplaced Items
PCMS is not responsible for damaged, lost or stolen items. Please report lost items to the front office immediately. Students are advised not to leave books, backpacks, or valuables unattended anywhere on campus or on the bus. Lost and found items are given to local charitable organizations several times throughout the year. If a student wants to claim an item that was not originally theirs, the student must get an ok from the Assistant Principal before taking the item.
Food Services / Student Lunch Accounts
Each student is assigned a lunch account accessed at the cashier terminal by entering a unique 4-digit PIN. For your convenience funds may be loaded to the student’s account. In an effort to increase lunch line speed, students are encouraged to deliver cash and checks to the kitchen prior to the lunch period, and know their 4-digit number. Please make checks payable to Issaquah Food Services.
Credit card payments may be made online by creating an account on Myschoolbucks.com. A fee of $3.25 will be charged by Myschoolbucks.com for each transaction.
In addition to the standard hot lunch program, a la carte items are available for purchase and include items such as vendor pizza, beverages, snacks, etc. Prices for a la carte items vary ($0.50-$3.00) and are subject to change. Students must have sufficient funds to purchase a la carte items. Charges for ala carte items are not permitted. Further information on the Issaquah School District’s Local Meal Charge Policy webpage.
All complete meals are $4.25
A la carte items (chips, drinks, vendor pizza, etc.) will be available for an additional charge.
Microwaves are available for students to use appropriately. However, due to the sensitivity of surrounding smoke detectors, microwavable popcorn is not permitted.
If a student forgets a lunch or does not have funds to purchase items they may seek assistance from a lunch supervisor. We are here to help!
Lunch Behavior Expectations and Procedures
During lunch students will:
- Sit at a marked spot within the Commons.
- Return trays and utensils to proper place.
- Leave table area clean, placing garbage in garbage cans; recycling in recycling bins; compostable materials in compost containers.
- Be accountable for throwing away all garbage at lunch tables; this includes garbage that may not belong to them.
- Respond appropriately to any adult correcting their behavior.
- Wait to be excused from their table in order to leave the Commons and go to their next class/outside/library.
Online Payments
Fees/fines and other school related items can be purchased online. From the ISD website or the PCMS website locate the Portals drop down menu and click on Pay Online. Your user name will be your Skyward Parent Access username and the password is created during the first visit. There is no fee for using the online payment system.
Parent Volunteers
Parent volunteers are an integral part of the PCMS culture and enrich the curriculum and program. Parents looking for volunteer opportunities should contact the PTSA Volunteer Coordinator.
PCMS Junior Honor Society
The Junior Honor Society is an organization that recognizes and encourages academic achievement while also developing additional characteristics essential to citizens in a democracy. The JHS member strives to achieve five core principles: scholarship, character, leadership, citizenship, and service.
Students who have a cumulative grade point average of 3.7 after the first trimester of 8th grade will be invited to join Junior Honor Society. The invitation to join Junior Honor Society will be sent to student’s homes in mid-December and the acceptance forms will be due back in early January. The first JHS meeting at PCMS will be in January. An activity bus is available for bus riders after the meeting, however, the group is so large that members are asked to provide their own transportation if it is possible.
In addition to maintaining or improving their GPA and attending meetings, Junior Honor Society members will be asked to attend one meeting a month Jan – May and complete eight hours of community service between June and April of the current school year. There is also an expectation that students will not have a suspension, expulsion or final “F” grade in a class due to cheating or plagiarizing. Students who meet these requirements will be invited to attend the Induction Ceremony in May.
Personal Communication Devices (e.g., Cell Phones & Smart Watches)
For the purposes of this policy, a personal communication device is any device that emits an audible signal, vibrates, displays any message or video image, or is otherwise capable of sending, receiving, emitting, photographing, recording, storing or displaying any type of audio or visual communication, files, or data.
At PCMS we value your students’ education and strive to remove barriers and distractions when possible. To protect our students and their educational environment, the following cell phone policy will be in place for this school year:
- Cell phones and other personal communication devices may be used on school grounds before school, the last 15 minutes of lunch, and after school.
- Students may use the office landline if they need to reach a parent. In an emergency, parents may pass messages on to students by contacting the main office.
- The use of cell phones and other personal communication devices in restrooms and locker rooms is prohibited.
- The use of cell phones and other personal communication devices in class is prohibited, unless otherwise stated by a teacher. Cell phones must remain out-of-sight and in silent mode.
- Headphones, earbuds and other listening devices may only be used before school, the last 15 minutes of lunch and after school and must be stored out-of-sight during the school day. Headphones used with a district-issued computer can be used for academic purposes during the school day with teacher or staff permission.
- During tests and assessments, all personal communication devices, including smart watches, must be placed in a locker, backpack, or another location away from students and their desks.
- No recording at any time (video, audio, or photos) may be taken of any individual on any device during the school day or at a school activity. Students enrolled in a class/course that requires filming (i.e, Yearbook, ASB, etc.) may record for academic purposes only, with the consent of the student(s) being filmed.
- The school and its staff are not responsible for any damage to or theft of a students’ personal communication device. Students must properly secure and take care of personal items they choose to bring to school.
- Students may not use cell phones or electronic devices in any manner that disrupts the educational environment or violates the rights to others, including to bully or to post derogatory statements about students, teachers, or staff via text messages or social media. Contents of a cell phone/electronic device may be reviewed and searched by an administrator if there is a reasonable suspicion that it may have been used in an activity prohibited by the Student Handbook Code.
- Students may be subject to disciplinary action if their use of a cell phone or personal communication device disrupts the school’s educational environment. Examples of this include, but are not limited to: cheating, bullying, harassment, unlawful recording or photographing, violating other school rules.
Cell Phones and headphones that are not stored out-of- sight and in silent mode during the school day will be confiscated by staff members and brought to the main office for students to pick up at the end of the day. When students pick up their devices, they will review the cell phone/headphones policy and sign out their device(s). After the first confiscation the following may occur:
- 2nd confiscation of device(s): The student will pick up their device at the end of the day and review the school policy with an administrator.
- 3rd confiscation of device(s): Student will pick up their device at the end of the day and their adult will be contacted. Students will serve a lunch detention.
- 4th confiscation of device(s): Students adult will be contacted to pick up the device(s) from school. Students will serve additional lunch detention(s) or an after-school detention.
- If the problem continues, a student may be prohibited from bringing their cell phone back on school grounds for a determined period of time. Students will also be at risk of not participating in end of school year activities.
Private School Applications and Records Requests
All private school applications and other records requests should be turned in directly to the Counseling Office. A release of information form needs to be completed by the parent/guardian in order to send records to third party. Please do not give applications to teachers without contacting the Registrar. Application requests require a minimum of 3 business days to process. A $2.00 fee will be assessed for each application to cover mailing costs and copies.
PTSA (Parent-Teacher-Student Association)
PCMS welcomes all parents to participate in PTSA. This group has a bi-monthly board meeting where community input is sought and school information is shared. Parents are urged to contact PTSA board members if they have questions, concerns, or wish to get involved.
Students are encouraged to use book covers to minimize wear on textbooks. Book fines for heavy wear, damage, lost or stolen books will be assessed and charged accordingly.
All book fines must be paid before yearbooks will be issued.
- All visitors and volunteers must sign in at the office, provide a reason for being on campus as well as wear an ID lanyard. No exceptions. Be prepared to show ID.
- Classroom visitations by parents/community members must be pre-arranged with the Principal and with the teacher(s).
- Students from other schools are not eligible to visit PCMS.
Withdrawal Process
Students withdrawing from Pacific Cascade should contact the Counseling office at least 3 days before their last day in school. Prior to withdrawing, students are required to:
- Obtain grades and signatures from all teachers
- Return all books to the library
- Return all textbooks to the Textbook Coordinator
- Check with the Bookkeeper for all fines
- Clean out hall locker and PE locker (if applicable)
Return required paperwork to the Counseling office for clearance
Failure to complete any of these items may cause a delay in forwarding student records to another school. An official transcript will not be sent to another school if a student withdraws without paying fines or returning books. Please contact the Registrar at 425-837-5911 if you have any questions.